
Sample Size in Usability Tests and User Interviews – Less is More?

Marvin Mader

User research in the form of usability tests or user interviews has become an indispensable part of the UX world, especially when it comes to developing or improving a product. Developers gain insight into what users really need and what potential problems there may be with the product. A key point of research is the selection of the right sample. If the sample is not meaningful or representative for the defined user group, the validity of the findings and thus the quality of the product will suffer. read more…

The Branding Tool for UX Writers: The Voice & Tone Guide

Catharina Kelle
Catharina Kelle
December 15th, 2022

What was UX Writing again?

UX Writing – this is the discipline that deals with language as an essential part of user experience and develops methodologies to implement great microcopy for buttons, error messages, help texts, onboardings and much more.

In my last blog article, I wrote a little introduction to UX Writing, which you can read here: What is UX Writing and why we need it in branding.

And what is Voice & Tone?

The UX Writing ground rules clear concise useful – consistent conversational provide good guidance on how we as UX writers can write good microcopy that is effective and does a good job for our users. read more…

What is UX Writing and why we need it in branding

Catharina Kelle
Catharina Kelle
October 25th, 2022

Fehlermeldung an unknown error occured

Look at these sentences and words. Do you feel well met and taken seriously in your situation? Do you understand what the problem is? Do you know what to do next? Do you know exactly what will happen when you click the button? If you answered mostly no, I have good news: with good UX writing, such UI texts are passé. J

UX Writing is a relatively young field in the UX world. Especially on the German market, UX Writing is not yet established. As a UX Writer it is therefore an important part of the job to explain what we do, how we do it and why. In this blog article I want to pick you up, explain what UX Writing is and why we can’t afford to continue to treat all the little texts and words in our digital products stepmotherly. read more…

Agile Product Development and UX Design – Better together

Martin Hesseler

Produktentwicklung Meeting

Agile product development today

Software is developed in an agile way these days. Everyone knows that. It makes sense. In today’s world, requirements change so quickly that there’s no other way to keep up. And you want to release every two months. New features, fixed bugs. That’s what customers want. Thanks to current technologies, this is possible. This has also reached the upper echelons of the many companies that are increasingly having to become software manufacturers due to digitalization in all industries. And the competition is doing the same. So buy scrum masters, retrain product managers to become product owners, read 1-2 blogs, restructure the software department a bit and off you go!

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How to engage GraphQL, .Net and React together – Part IV: React, GraphQL and the amazing Apollo Client

Ulrike Kulzer

Hello! 🙂 I’m Ulrike, a media informatics student in my master’s degree and currently an intern at Centigrade. During my internship one of my tasks was finishing the VedaVersum app together with Mikhail. We wanted to create the application using .NET, GraphQL and React as a knowledge base where team members can log in and write, edit and delete articles (see first blog article). In this part of the series, I’d like to share my approach to link the frontend with the backend with you and briefly report how I fared as a React and GraphQL newbie. read more…

Character design in the research project LOUISA – A friend, a good friend

David Patrizi

In the previously published blog articles on the LOUISA project, we discussed the general objectives of the project and reported on the weighting of the player types within our target group. Since we wanted to motivate the young patients to use the LOUISA app with the help of a digital companion, we were now faced with the task of designing it.
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How to engage GraphQL, .Net and React together: Part III. Veda Versum backend authentication.

Mikhail Shabanov
Mikhail Shabanov
May 13th, 2022

1. Data persistence

As we have defined before, our API has one main entity – VedaVersumCard. Our application is intended to keep the list of knowledge cards and to grant users the ability to create, read and edit these cards. To make it happen we defined one mutation and 3 queries in our API. “CardAction” mutation should take the card data as an argument and store this data somewhere. Query “allCards” should return the list of all the existing cards. Query “card” should return one card by card ID, and “allCardsAssignedToUser” query should take user E-Mail as input and return cards filtered by property “assignedUsers” which value equals to that input user. read more…

Continuous UX: Anne Hess & Thomas Immich Interview

Thomas Immich

Anne Hess is a researcher at the Fraunhofer Institute for Experimental Software Engineering. As part of the interview series UX Neu Überdacht, she and Thomas Immich talk in the Outdoor Office about modern requirements engineering and creative approaches, how to get richer information from users, and which methods from disciplines outside the field can inspire and inspire UX professionals to become better.

For further reading, here is a paper by Anne Hess on exciting, alternative RE approaches:  Conspiracy Walls in Requirements Engineering – Analyzing Requirements like a Detective read more…

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