Cyber Security Training through Serious Games
Compliance made easy
A Serious Game to train employees in Cyber Security
Hacker attacks, phishing mails and information leaks: Large enterprises are exposed to many threats in the cyber security area. Our client was required to provide Cyber Security training to over 60,000 employees to ensure the company's cyber security compliance. One thing was clear: Nobody wants to read a boring PDF.
Instead, as Cyber Security Training, we developed a captivating serious game in which employees could experience the dangers of cyber attacks for themselves. Through innovative game ideas, company-wide best lists and other elements, they were grabbed by their intrinsic motivation and voluntarily practiced the correct actions.
James BloggsNutzer des Cybersecurity Games
Enjoyable learning experience.
Marie MüllerNutzer des Cybersecurity GamesHat mir sehr gut gefallen, diese Methode sollte öfters gewählt werden.
Tomáš MartiníkNutzer des Cybersecurity GamesDobrý nápad, určitě více interaktivních školení do budoucna :-)
Elena EscuNutzer des Cybersecurity Games
Antrenant. Cu siguranta un mod foarte bun de a face pe cineva sa invete elementele de baza pentru securitatea datelor in spatiul virtual.
Jóska PistaNutzer des Cybersecurity GamesSzerintem nagyon szórakoztató és emellett még tanulni is lehet belőle! Nem lehet elégszer gyakorolni!
Kovács JánosNutzer des Cybersecurity GamesNagyon tetszett, szeretek játszani. Ezáltal sokkal jobban megmaradnak a fontos dolgok a fejemben, mint egy "száraz" előadás után.