Centigrade UX Academy training

UX Strategy entwickeln
Basics bis Advanced


You lack know-how about the Angular Framework and you simply don't have enough time to work your way through the many tutorials that would help your team so urgently? Join our Angular training by proficient experts. Ranging from basic training for beginners to advanced topics such as styling and components, our Angular course teaches you front-end development with Angular based on a user-centered perspective.
  • Agenda
  • Trainer
  • What to expect

    For all three trainings, we use the latest Angular Version and convey best practices from everyday project work using a consistent example. In addition, we point out useful tooling and the latest Angular Standards in the training while paying attention to a balance between theory and realistic practice.

    Angular Fundamentals

    • Angular ecosystem
    • general tooling
    • TypeScript basics
    • components
    • templates & bindings
    • modules or services (depending on continuation with Core Training)

    angular core

    • modules
    • services
    • RxJS (if required)
    • routing
    • pipes
    • styles
    • testing

    Angular Styling & Components

    • component architecture
    • general purpose styleguide tools
    • testing
    • scalable styling architecture
    • 3rd party
    • theming
    • animations

    Who should attend

    Depending on your level of experience, we offer the Angular Training in three different formats:

    Angular Fundamentals

    This Angular introductory training is suitable for web developers with no previous experience in Angular Framework and want to learn the basics of the platform. During the training, you will have a first approach to essential building blocks of an Angular application and learn how to set one up. After successfully completing the Angular Training you will already have a first small application, which can be further developed.

    Angular Core

    The Angular Core training is designed for web developers who have already gained initial experience with the Angular Framework and are now faced with the challenge of building and extending real, complex systems in a modular and scalable manner. In the training you will learn how components can be visually designed in detail. Participants will also learn how to integrate their backend business logic and therefore supply their frontend with important data.

    Angular Styling & Components

    The Angular training „Styling & Components“ is for web developers with advanced experience in Angular Framework, who want to expand knowledge on the field of user-centered development of components for enterprise-wide control libraries. These include concepts for suitable component architecture, tools for managing, developing and deploying components, and animation to fine-tune them visually.

    Every training is available for 1 or 2 days.

    Note: In our UX Academy trainings, we focus on groups (e.g. the UX department of a company). The number of participants is a minimum of 6. If you would like to register together with other people, you can also register as an individual, provided that the minimum number of participants is reached.

    Nothing suitable? Contact us and get a tailor-made Angular Training for your team!

  • Julian Lang

    Senior Software Engineer

    Julian Lang arbeitet seit Jahren als Design Engineer an der Schnittstelle zwischen visuellem Design und technischer Realisierung. Seine Projekterfahrung erstreckt sich über die verschiedenen Anwendungsfelder des Webs bis hin zu Projekten im .NET-Umfeld. Seit seinem Masterstudium an der Hochschule Kaiserslautern ist er in verschiedenen Kontexten als Trainer unterwegs, um seiner Leidenschaft für die Umsetzung von Benutzeroberflächen weiterzugeben.

Advanced or Related Training

Depending on which module you choose, you are able to continue with the next advanced training. You also have the opportunity to conduct an individual workshop with our Angular Advisor after the training.

You want your team to be more independent when it comes to UX and would like to learn more about how to put our know-how to good use? We are excited about your assignment.

Field Master Concept Design
+49 681 959 3110

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